Seguramente ya has visto en redes sociales algunas abreviaturas un poco confusas en inglés, que no tienes ideas de qué significan...Resulta que en el inglés, como en algunos otros idiomas, es común "ahorrar tiempo" a la hora de escribir palabras u oraciones. Por ejemplo, en español utilizamos "tqm" en vez de "te quiero mucho", o "ntp" en lugar de "no te preocupes".
Inclusive, hemos adoptado algunas de esas abreviaturas del inglés a nuestro lenguaje cotidiano, como "LOL" para indicar que algo es gracioso, o "WTF" cuando no entendemos nada de lo que está pasando.
Así que, hoy vamos a aclarar el significado de las abreviaturas más comunes en inglés y cómo utilizarlas.
Laughing out loud.
Riendo a carcajadas.
Úsalo cuando algo te cause mucha risa.
Cuando quieras decir que algo no te importa o te da igual.
I don't know.
No sé.
Úsalo cuando no sepas algo.
Utilízalo cuando vayas en camino hacia un lugar.
For your information.
Para tu/su información.
Se utiliza cuando compartes una información con alguien, para su conocimiento.
To be honest.
Para ser honesto(a) / Honestamente.
Cuando quieras dejar en claro que quieres dar tu opinión más sincera, aunque pueda herir a alguien.
Not gonna lie.
No voy a mentir.
Parecido a "to be honest". Especialmente para dar tu punto de vista sobre algo.
For real / Really?
En realidad / Realmente / ¿En serio?
Cuando no puedes creer algo o quieres afirmar que algo es en serio.
Hit me up.
Contáctame / Llámame.
Cuando quieras que alguien te hable o te llame.
¿Por qué?
Preguntar por algo.
I know.
Lo sé.
Cuando quieras decir que ya sabes algo.
As soon as possible.
Lo más pronto posible.
Cuando algo necesita suceder cuanto antes.
I guess.
Úsalo para dar tu opinión cuando no tengas completa seguridad de ella.
By the way.
Por cierto.
Utilízalo cuando quieras comentar algo nuevo dentro de la conversación, que tiene relación con el tema o no.
Forma corta de decir la razón <porque> algo es o sucede. Responde a "Why?" / "Y?".
Se usa al final de una carta o escrito, para añadir un dato o nota adicional.
Aquí te dejo un ejemplo de cómo puedes utilizar las abreviaturas en contexto, con una carta de alguien a su amiga.
"The experience of a polyglot."
Hi, Mary! How are you doing?
I’m so excited to see you next week, we haven’t met for 8 years since we finished high school. Please, write me and tell me about you. My life has changed so much hahahaha, Ik it is difficult to believe but I became bilingual! I speak three languages: Spanish, English, and French. It is an experience that changed my life and my habits. Ngl, It was not easy at all, it was a challenge, but that is the beauty of learning a new language: it is a goal.
Tbh, becoming a polyglot was not in my plans, but Ig life sneaks up on you sometimes. When I was starting college, my mother wanted me to learn English bc she thought it was important so asap she enrolled me in an English course although I did not want to.
Even though I started the course at a basic level, I was thinking of giving it up bc it was difficult for me to understand the grammar, but my mother encouraged me to keep going so I did my best to master it. Nowadays, Ik she took the best decision! English became a habit without noticing it. I practiced every single day new words, grammar and pronunciation while doing my English homework, listening to music, watching videos, etc. When I finished my English course, I realized all the advantages of learning a new language.
I made friends around the world, I learned other interesting cultures and I even had more job opportunities. All the endeavor was worth it. After I became bilingual, I wanted to speak a romance language just as famous as English so I decided to learn French. At first, I had thought it would be easy because I already had the experience of learning a language but then I realized it was not that way. I was studying and working then, so I had a busy routine filled with exams and work. Adding a new habit like French to my daily routine was so difficult.
To learn a new language, it is necessary to practice it not only in a course but also by your own bc you can learn more vocabulary and improve your listening, writing and speaking skills faster and better, so I had to work harder to learn this complex language while trying to keep high grades in my university and doing well my part time job. Sometimes, I just felt so tired in my French classes that I could pretend to be listening to the teacher but I made a big effort to understand all the classes fr.
In the end, I mastered this beautiful language after all the struggle! Now, I can communicate not only with people that speak English but also French. I can read interesting books written either in French, English, or Spanish, such as 'The Three Musketeers', 'David Copperfield', and many others! And I have more job opportunities as well. Btw, I am thinking of moving to Auvergne next year. It is a crazy idea bc I don’t know that place but Idc. Ik it will be an amazing experience and I will also have the opportunity to improve my French there. I hope you enjoyed my story.
If you are studying English or French and you have any question, hmu and I’ll be glad to help you, my dear friend.
PS: I’m looking forward to hearing your story! I’m omw to my boyfriend’s house so I can’t continue writing, I’ll text you again when I get there, brb!
Abreviaturas comunes en inglés que debes conocer
HMU, BRB, LMK, FYI... ¿Sabes lo que significan? Acá te lo contamos.